There are many website which offer micro job . and you can earn 2 or 3 dollar per day from these website when you work few hours each day.
Here we Discuss the website which we personally used
The website name is Sproutgigs.
How Much People earn here from Micro job
Sproutgis offer many types of micro job
1. SEO Micro Job per job is 0.030$
When you do 40 job daily than you can earn 0.030*40=1.20$
In SEO job you will visit 10 pages of the given website. Send the the 10th page URL and click on any ads showing in the website and send ads home page URL and contact us or about us page URL so you will earn 0.030$ per SEO job
Some SEO job in the given website they hide any code in article which will show you when you visit 10 post must . But here you must be careful because some employee need code from you but they can't keep code in the website, so it's waste your time when you visit 10 post and code not show to you. And they can't appobe your job without code, in reality code or not available there
How you find this spam job below is the trick for it.
These two SEO jobs show red line it's means they are not paying. Second trick is these job percentage is 55%, 35% it mean the employee paid to 55 freelancer in 100 people who do this job . So avoid red Lind job and percentage less than 60% because mostly these job are fake are not paying to you.
What SEO job we do that really Pay
How to perform SEO task Video tutorial
2. Sign Up and creating account of website.
Sign up job have not a fix price, it's price per job depends upon the sign up process some are simple sign up and some are complicated, it's start from 0.080$ UpTo 0.70$.
There are daily 10 to 15 Gmail account job. When complete this then you will earn 1$ easily (15×0.080$=1.05$)
Some time here you will find a job of LinkedIn account 6 month old or 1 year old. And it price is 2$ to 4$ per job. But this job available in once or two times a month
3. Follow, like, Subscribe, view or watch videos.
In sprouts gig you will find job of follow TikTok, Instagram, Twitter account. Subscribe YouTube channel. View TikTok, Instagram Facebook reel or watching YouTube videos. It's price start from.020$ to 0.050$.
Here you an earn half dollar because these category have less number jobs.
Video Link if it's not show in browser4. Install app micro job earning.
The highest paying job are installing play store apps and earn money because each job least price is .17$ and some installing app will pay you 1$ per install. In this category you will earn 1$ per day, because here job available in less number daily .
After earnings How you withdraw your earning . Click on video link if it's showing in browser.